Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dual cannon rush on Wuthering Heights

Last friday night, on a planet known as Wuthering Heights, Terran and Zerg were building their new homes in peace and harmony when the insidious race known as Protoss decided that the universe was not big enough for three races to share. I shall now let the lone survivor and conqueror tell the story....

... few steps out into the open an EVIL photon discharge quickly tells pip is screwed ... while YC kept typing help help ... and the best part is A DAMN cannon was behind the wall !! EVIL EVIL !!

so this is what evil actually looks like...

then pip wuz wondering should pip burden YC more by msg "pip also need help" ...

pip: That wuz evil DT ... YC was shouting help help ... so pip happily pluck his marines and started hiking to YC's base ..

druggy: You real dramatic la Pip. Well, two can play that game – what about the time where your 1 dozen tank siege on top of the ledge there? You know how much damage you caused????
One siege tank in siege mode gives 75 damage.....1 dozen gives you approximately 900 hits – even more powerful then a freaking nuke. Many brave Zealots and templars died bringing down the mobile nuclear troops… L May Adun grant them ever lasting peace now that they are with the Khala’ .

storm and 300 lots pawn tanks. I don't see many dead lots and templars....

pip: Ahhh ... but the difference is that so called 900 hit wuz at an expansion and by mid/late game, armies tend to be bigger

but the cannon rush wuz right up at the HQ, evil attack at HQ early on is always very scary ..

If this replay has taught me anything, its that Conqueror Druggy likes to exaggerate the difficulty in which he smites his prey.

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