Friday, August 31, 2007

419 Diplomacy - Nuclear Rain

“Accept the damn replay. Accept it. Damn it.”

G.A.M.E on MSN Messenger

Such was the fate of this poor writer. To the victor, the spoils of war. To the loser, the bitterness and spitefulness of defeat. Being threatened by G.A.M.E and Raz, I am now forced to tell this tale of onslaught

In Starcraft, the greatest threat to all of the races is the impending doom of a nuclear launch. It is no wonder that whenever a nuclear launch has been detected, a warning will be given to the player. The aftermath of a nuclear launch in Starcraft can be quite frightening as a player will suffer heavy losses and at the same time, being open to attacks.

In this replay, the number of nuclear launches amounted to 5. As always, it will be difficult to cover the entire game in this blog, so only the preparation of the nuclear launch will be shown. The map is Lost Temple, the players and their positions are as follows: G.A.M.E (6) & Raz (3) vs Pip (3) and Druggy (12)

Phase I - The Wipe Out of Druggy – Nuclear Rain.

The first apocalypse began when Raz dropped a stealthy ghost at Druggy's base. The problem with this was that Druggy had no observers or detectors. The horror started when the phrase "Nuclear launch detected" appeared.

What followed next was of course, the destruction of the Druggy's base:-

Author's note: Notice the destruction that a nuclear warhead causes.

The launch of the first nuclear warhead brought despair to the forces of Druggy. But this was no time to despair, for a second nuclear warhead was on its way......

The aftermath of the second nuke took out most of the remaining shields of Druggy's buildings. The base was now utterly defenseless. "Druggy must matter the cost" thought Raz. While the entire production line and buildings has been crippled, there was still a problem ...the problem of survivors. To do this, a third nuclear warhead was dispatched to Druggy's base......

Note: Boom! Sayornara Druggy~!!!!

Phase II - The Elite Ghost

With Druggy out of the way now, Raz turned towards his sight at Pip's base. G.A.M.E had did an excellent job in holding back Pip. While Raz was busy sending nuclear warheads to Druggy's base, G.A.M.E had been engaged in battle with Pip. All that was needed to be done now was to team up with G.A.M.E and wipe out Pip. But Raz had other plans....a quick scan revealed that Pip had forgotten to set up detectors at the front of his base. Upon seeing this, Raz quickly sent an Elite Ghost to Pip's base:-

Note: Can anyone see a Ghost unit in this pic?

The Elite Ghost carefully waltz's through 5 tanks, avoiding any detection:-

Knowing that there was still an active communication scan able to de-cloak him, the Ghost had to do something to avoid detection. A sinister thought began to unfold to Raz. "Perhaps, the most dangerous place is the most safest place for the Elite Ghost?". He had found the ideal place to position the Elite Ghost:-

The Elite Ghost steadily placed his cross hair over Pip's supply line and soon a message popped up on Pip's screen "Nuclear launch detected". Due credit for the photos below goes to G.A.M.E, who manage to save the replay on Raz greatest moments. The pics below show Pip's base before and after the holocaust:-

Note: Before.......

Note: After......

Phase III - The Fall of The Elite Ghost????
An annoying problem still exists. There was one more surviving command centre Pip has. It had to be destroyed. Swiftly, the Elite Ghost carefully placed his cross hair over the surviving command centre. However, there was a problem. The energy level of his cloaking device is tremendously low and there was a dozen marines searching for him, eager for revenge over what he had done to their home....

"Come on, come on!" thought the Ghost. His cloaking device was no more. Pip's marines scurried to his location, aiming their Gauss rifle at the Elite Ghost. The Ghost turned to them, smiled and said "Too late, my friends". While he had fallen, the Elite Ghost had brought down with him one more command centre......

Note: You're going down with me !!!!!!!!

(Phew, someone can do the next post. Who wants to do YC vs Pipboy???)

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