Byzantium. Home of the Emperors and where countless battles were fought. What more could be more fitting than a map worthy of the most powerful players in 419? The battle ground was set to determine who was the most elite players of 419 in terms of massing and pulling a surprise attack (backstabbing).
For Team A, we have the following players:-
- PIP ( Teal Protoss) – Well known player capable of massing basic and high levelled troops. Known for winning games using pure basic troops (not exceeding level 2 tier troops). Players would normally get very worried where Pip remains silent for the whole entire duration of the game.
- YC9999 (“YC”) ( Yellow Terran) – The upgraded YC99. Known to be a player who is capable to counter practically anything that his opponents throws at him. YC is the upgraded YC99 who has an unsatiated bloodlust and tends to go overboard. Where a player is down, YC will try and get rid of him despite pleas of mercy.
On the other hand, in Team B, we have the following players:-
- GAME (Brown Zerg)– Another mass player. While YC9999 is a player who is flexible in terms of countering against any forms of attack, GAME is a player is able to attack in many different forms of attack, in different combinations. While lacking in terms of micro, GAME makes it up by overwhelming his opponents.
- DOU (White Terran) – GAME’s nemesis. DOU had allied with GAME for the purposes of this skirmish in hopes of learning more of GAME’s strategy. In fact, the upcoming next few posts will show how DOU became the new emperor of Terran (or perhaps, 419 itself) .
Backstabber vs backstabber (frontstabber?).
The game started off with DOU scouting around the battle fields of Byzantium with his SCV, hoping to find a suitable prey. By chance, he stumbled upon YC who was prepping his base entrance with supply depot barriers and barracks. What made DOU happy was that YC was too pre-occupied building his base defences that he did not realise that he had built his defences at the lower ground of the terrain. DOU knew he had to be quick to take advantage of the situation as an opportunity such as this does not come too often.
Utilising his training skills he acquired from watching GOMTV, Raz swiftly instructed two marines to head towards YC base entrance and at the same time building a bunker outside. Such swift movements and thought have been made possible after the rigorous training and experiments DOU had undertaken. YC still unknown to what was happening to his surroundings did not realise that a bunker was slowly being constructed until the first shelling from DOU marines were fired.
This certainly had taken YC by surprise, but calmness soon prevailed he knew that two marines couldn’t do much damage unless they were fully supported by artilleries. YC was not known as the specialist for counter-attacks for nothing. He quickly instructed an SCV to repair the “damage” DOU had done. To further counter DOU’s bunker, factories were built to construct siege tanks to assault the newly constructed bunker.
Raz began to curse when the siege tanks began pummelling his bunker. “What a waste” he thought. The might of YC’s tank proved to be too overwhelming that the bunker began to burn.
Seeing that his temporary ally in a fix, GAME sent a swarm of cracklings to assassinate the siege tanks. Such an effort proved to be futile as YC’s defences were too well fortified. Seven lings fell, followed by five more later.
YC was laughing manically as Raz and GAME began to attack his fortifications. It was so easy for him to brush off such feeble attempts. Seeing that his opponent has an iron defence, DOU had no choice but to retreat to his base and began to plan again. It was not to his advantage to confront YC in the area where he is at his strongest. YC had the upper hand in that combat as it was his home ground and he could easily fend off everything that DOU could throw at him. What was needed was more of an indirect approach. Swiftly placing swift fortifications at the upper ground just outside YC’s base, DOU immediately began to fortify a passage that only a fly could only get through. Hopefully, YC will take the bait when his troop passes through to assist Pip.
Alas, luck was not a DOU’s side when a quick scan by YC revealed Raz’s plans. A further scan revealed a newly constructed base. Two drop ships were immediately commissioned to drop DOU’s newly constructed base. By passing DOU’s heavily fortified defences, the dropship began to unload their dangerous cargo: siege tanks and marines. The drop went so smoothly that the SCV’s did not even knew what hit them until it was too late.
Cursing his misfortune over the unexpected drop, DOU began to quickly unsiege his earlier fortifications. His vultures sped to salvage whatever that was left on his base. Unfortunately, YC’s siege tanks were heavily entrenched in the mineral patch. Despite their speed and mobility, the Vultures began to explode before they could even touch the siege tanks. The few surviving vultures that made it through the heavy siege bombardments were easily picked off by the marines. Easily.
As DOU slowly watched the Vultures perish, he immediately pulled back his remaining troops. DOU now needed to figure out a way to stop YC’s troops from doing further harm. The mineral patch provided a natural fortification for the tanks, but to DOU, every defence has its own weaknesses. The sight of YC’s dropship flying away from the battle field gave him an idea. A single dropship was then loaded with his own tanks. As the dropship flew to the mineral patch, YC’s troops began to fire frantically at the dropship. A similar sight was then shown to YC. His own strategy was used against him. While DOU’s dropship had already perished, it had successfully unloaded its cargo – two siege tanks. YC’s marines immediately fell to the assaulting tanks. The best part for DOU was that YC siege tank could not do a single thing against assault tanks at point blank range.
But DOU did not stop there. The spitefulness inside him had hardened him. He wanted more. Seeing a fleet of YC’s dropship approaching for a second assault made DOU see blood. To confront his enemy, DOU needed to bring out his strongest technique: Mass wraiths.
The tide of battles soon turned…..prey had become hunter and hunter becoming prey. After making short work of the dropships, the Wraiths travelled to YC’s base. Buildings began disappearing to unseen apparitions and troops began dying from short bursts of lasers
The victor in this battle had already been decided….
Coming up next: Battle of The Giants - Pip v GAME
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